Tay Ann Shun works at Pope Jai Thai, a local restaurant that employs people with intellectual disabilities. What allows him to perform his duties, which range from receiving stocks of ingredients to preparing food to serving customers, is thoughtful job design, simple work innovations, and an open mind and heart on the part of his employer.
In the video, Daniel Teh, Director of PopeJai Pte Ltd, shares details about how the restaurant trains their staff: They set up detailed routines and templates to help trainees learn tasks and meet service and professional standards. But when asked directly for advice to other employers, Mr Teh’s answer referred to something more sublime: Authencity. “We have to be sincere with them. They are able to sense your sincerity, and they are able to understand how things are being run.”
Mr Teh strongly believes in the business case of inclusive hiring. “A lot of people think that doing social causes means doing charity. That’s not the case.”