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24 October 2024 | 12.30 PM – 4.00PM |  Enabling Village, UOB Ability Hub |

All are welcome!

S3’s World Stroke Day Open House aims to raise awareness and commemorate World Stroke Day. It provides opportunities for people of all abilities to interact meaningfully, and to discover more about EV and S3’s services. The event features:

  • A Human Library session with an S3 therapist and two stroke survivors, sharing personal experiences to enhance understanding of stroke.
  • A Mini Carnival with game and snack booths to encourage interaction among attendees.
  • A Mini Exhibition showcasing S3’s plans and services to educate the public about stroke and the recovery journey.
  • A S3 Gym Tour where attendees can try out specialized rehabilitation equipment and learn about exercises, targeted at non-S3 stroke survivors and healthcare students.
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